Tom Martin Coaching

New Website Coming Soon

The Tom Martin Coaching website is about to have a new look, more features, and will offer new information and resources designed to help clients prosper in business and thrive in life.


Tom Martin Coaching Website

This website conversion has been a work in process since July and the final modifications are almost complete. Trent Phillips and his team Bizography have worked hard to turn vision into reality and the grand unveil with take place in a matter of days. The end result will be a website which serves as both a guide and resource to prospective clients considering coaching and existing clients who are fully engaged in the coaching process.

Memorial Day

Memorial Day is circled on most everyone’s calendar as a time for travel, a time for rest, and even a time to celebrate the begin of the Summer. Memorial Day weekend itineraries typically include family time, baseball games, tennis matches, picnics, barbecues, and maybe even a little time on the lake.


©iStockphoto/Rick Hyman

While there is no way to adequately say thank you to the families who have lost so much, there is something we all can do…

We can pray this Memorial Day.

  • We can pray a prayer of thanksgiving this Memorial Day for the men and women who lost their lives while to protect our country and our freedom.
  • We can pray a prayer of gratitude this Memorial Day for the families who sacrificed so much while they were away only to learn they were not coming home.
  • We can pray also say a prayer for protection this Memorial Day for all those who currently serve so they may stay out of harm’s way.

Psalm 23

 1 The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
2 He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
3 he refreshes my soul.
He guides me along the right paths
for his name’s sake.
4 Even though I walk
through the darkest valley,
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.

 5 You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
6 Surely your goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the LORD

May God’s comfort and love be abundantly felt by all the families who have lost a loved one while serving in the Armed Forces this Memorial Day! 

Focus On What Is Important Right Now

When asked, “what’s the single most important factor you attribute to your success in life, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett both answered, “my focus.”


I totally agree, and as an executive coach, some of the greatest personal and professional breakthroughs I’ve seen are when a client invests time and energy aligning their focus around the question, “what’s important now?” 

Keep Moving Forward

Make 2016 Your Best Year Yet!

Know this, the journey to your best year yet will be tough. Navigating new terrain is challenging and sometimes it is difficult to sustain momentum. Don’t lose heart, embrace the adventure! Focus on your vision, modify your action plan if necessary or the time-table, but keep moving forward toward your goal of making 2016 Your Best Year Yet!


“If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”  Dr. Martin Luther King

If your momentum has stalled or if your stuck, don’t give up! Give me a call and let’s set up a time for a conversation to make sure you keep moving forward in 2016! You can reach me directly at

Do You Have A Theme For 2016

For the last several years I have declared a theme to start the New Year. This one word focus serves as a powerful guide to influence my mindset over the next 365 days. This year my theme for 2016 is Posture.


Full Definition of Posture:

  1. the position or bearing of the body whether characteristic or assumed for a special purpose, the pose of a model or artistic figure
  2. state or condition at a given time especially with respect to capability in particular circumstances <maintain a competitive posture in the market>
  3. a conscious mental or outward behavioral attitude

The first component of the definition, and most recognized, deals with the positioning of ones body. My selection of posture for a theme describes a positioning for me as well, only it is my mind. In order to achieve the goals I have for 2016, I know my mind has to be in the right place.   

You Have Power Over Cancer

You Really Do

It’s “stage-four cancer“, were the words my oncologist shared with me on February 16, 2011. 

Learning you have cancer is a life-altering experience. Hearing your cancer has returned is unimaginably disheartening. But when you find out your cancer has returned for a third time with a stage-four diagnosis, it is devastating….especially if you’re going to propose the next week.

Power Over Cancer

Ironically cancer brought us together in the first place. Shari and I knew each other casually, but when my Merkel cell cancer returned for a second time she was one of the first people to reach out to me.

4 Things You Must Do If You Want Personal Growth


Photo credit iStockphotos © 36clicks

While change can be immediate, growth is gradual. Experience has taught me this principle must be understood to build momentum and it must be embraced for personal growth to take place.

Far too often in my life, and maybe yours, this principle was overlooked. You start with a plan, put your head down and focus on taking steps in the direction of your goal. Early success creates momentum, but as the path becomes familiar and progress slows, there is a tendency to question the pace.

The world we live in makes it tough for us to have long periods of sustained growth. Culture conditions us to expect quick fixes and overnight success. “Why expend the energy and effort when pills are available and cosmetic options exist to deliver results now!”

Cancer Milestone

I have had March 3, 2015 circled on my calendar for almost four years. The date represents a cancer milestone for me, and an anniversary of a conversation which was filled with wisdom.


Photo credit: Victor Correia©

4 Months, 4 Years, or 40 Years


1. A stone functioning as a milespost.

2. A significant event or stage in the life, progress, development, or the like of a person, nation, etc.

Actually the significance of March 3, 2015 points back to a pivotal conversation which occurred four years earlier on March 3, 2011. On that day my fiancé and I were meeting with the Pastor who would marry us. Mike Teston asked us to share our stories and why we wanted to be married now rather than in the fall which was our original plan.

I shared how merkel cancer had returned for a third time with a stage-four diagnosis. Shari told Pastor Mike how she wanted to be with me through the radiation, chemotherapy, and surgery regardless of the outcome. In the two hours we were together, questions were asked and answers given, tears were shed, and prayers were prayed.  As we were saying goodbye Mike said,

Defining Moments

If we take time to examine our hearts we will find moments in our lives which define us. Typically these defining moments are found at the end of a long road of pivotal circumstances. And those pivotal circumstances, positive or negative, can leave our lives forever changed.


Several years ago Jeff Goins was promoting his new book, Wrecked, he asked people to share stories of when their lives had been “wrecked.” Jeff published the story I submitted and today I share an excerpt of Damage Goods with you today.

Early on we both knew where we were tracking as a couple. Our relationship was so rich, the conversations were so natural, and our values and beliefs were totally in sync. We were confident the path we were on would lead to marriage some time in the fall of 2011. Our plans were for an extended courtship, not because we weren’t ready to get married, rather because we wanted to do everything we could to protect and ensure Shari’s teenage sons had time to adjust to a new man being in their lives. 

What Breaks Your Heart?

The year began with the pastor of my church asking a simple question, what breaks your heart?


iStockphoto credit © Jeffrey Smith

An easy question to dismiss by some who already had more pressing questions awaiting answers. A difficult question for those who had an answer, but who knew if they acted upon their answer they would find themselves outside of their comfort zone.

What Breaks Your Heart?

What breaks your heart was certainly not a of question I wanted to be asked right now. I thought to myself,

of all times for Andy to ask this question, why did it have to be now? 

In my eyes the timing of this question could not have come at a worse time for me. I was in the midst of starting a new company while working through the course work and mentor training to obtain my PCC accreditation. Yet in all my busyness, Andy’s question traveled from my mind to my heart and there was an answer which had to be addressed.