How To Avoid The January Funk

How are you doing? Is the January Funk messing with your mind and playing with your attitude? Well the good news is you survived Blue Monday, the unofficial “gloomiest day” of the year.


The first Blue Monday was declared on January 24 in 2005 as part of a press release from a travel company. The date was a result of research used to discern travel trends and holiday bookings. And while science has debunked the gloomiest day of the year theory, there is no denying seasonal factors like post-holiday depression, increase debt, and inclement weather can be a catalyst for the January Funk.

But the good news is there are three things you can start doing today to beat the January Funk.

Focus On What Is Important Right Now

When asked, “what’s the single most important factor you attribute to your success in life, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett both answered, “my focus.”


I totally agree, and as an executive coach, some of the greatest personal and professional breakthroughs I’ve seen are when a client invests time and energy aligning their focus around the question, “what’s important now?” 

Keep Moving Forward

Make 2016 Your Best Year Yet!

Know this, the journey to your best year yet will be tough. Navigating new terrain is challenging and sometimes it is difficult to sustain momentum. Don’t lose heart, embrace the adventure! Focus on your vision, modify your action plan if necessary or the time-table, but keep moving forward toward your goal of making 2016 Your Best Year Yet!


“If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”  Dr. Martin Luther King

If your momentum has stalled or if your stuck, don’t give up! Give me a call and let’s set up a time for a conversation to make sure you keep moving forward in 2016! You can reach me directly at

You Can Master the Art of Self Promotion

The fourth quarter is often a time of excitement, angst and transition in our work lives. Year-end sales goals and projects, performance reviews, promotions and career transitions dominate our thinking.


  • The theme I hear across all of these scenarios is, “How do I tell my story?”
  • How do I tell my story so that my business development efforts succeed?
  • How do I tell my story so that my performance is recognized and valued in the organization?
  • How do I tell my story so that I can transition to a new role in my company or with a new organization?

Effective storytelling is a theme that unites the people who advance in their chosen careers