As someone who recently celebrated their 60th birthday, with over 40 years of business experience, 30 years as a life mentor, and a decade as an ICF certified and accredited business and life coach, I’ve learned that success in business and fulfillment in life are deeply intertwined.
Today, I’m sharing 60 invaluable lessons I’ve gathered over the years to help you win in business and thrive in life. These insights cover everything from faith and family to finances and fun, providing a holistic approach to personal and professional growth.
60 Life Lessons for Business Success and Personal Fulfillment
Faith and Spirituality in Business and Life
- The best decisions I’ve made in life and business have occurred after spending time on my knees in prayer.
- Trusting God is a lot easier when you are out of options. Spiritual maturity is learning to trust God in all things.
- Starting the morning in prayer with an attitude of gratitude and thanksgiving sets the stage for a great day.
Building Strong Relationships
- You were not created to do life on your own; building and nurturing relationships is a wise investment that pays huge dividends.
- Never stop dating your spouse and doing the things that won their heart.
- Presents are nice, but time with family and friends are the best gifts.
Personal Growth and Self-Discovery
- It’s ok to not yet know what your purpose in life is. It’s never ok to not be pursuing what it is.
- We never drift toward positive or healthy things in life.
- Your twenties is a time for exploration and discovery. Don’t be in a hurry to know what you’re supposed to do in life.
Leadership and Professional Development
- The best mentors are those who have been mentored themselves.
- Being five minutes early communicates you respect someone else’s time more than your own.
- Ego and pride provide confidence and bravado in some circumstances but they can also be barriers that prevent people from getting to know you who you truly are.
Cultivating Gratitude and Kindness
- A handwritten thank you note communicates far more than just your appreciation.
- Kindness is contagious, be known for spreading it wherever you go.
- A random text or call to just let someone know you’re thinking about them and have prayed for them makes them feel special and reveals you are a good friend.
Embracing Life’s Simple Pleasures
- Don’t be so busy that you miss God’s handiwork on display… sunrises and sunsets occur daily, not just things to take in while on vacation.
- A casual dinner with friends at someone’s home is far better evening out at some busy restaurant.
- Impromptu slow dances in the kitchen and kisses say I love you in a language of its own.
Nurturing Relationships
- Never let a week go by without checking in with your spouse. A great question to ask is: “Have I done or said something which left you feeling unappreciated or didn’t convey to you how much I love you?”
- We were not meant to do life on our own… Hebrews 10:24-25 declares this, and I profess it’s true. Find your community… and then help each other thrive.
- There will be a time when you just don’t have the words to share with a friend who is experiencing heartache. But in the silence your presence will speak volumes about how much you care.
Personal Development and Self-Care
- It’s really true, on those days when you don’t feel like exercising, if you give it five minutes, 90% of the time you will accomplish your objective for the day.
- Not liking what you see in the mirror just means there is some work to do. Embrace it, create a plan to change what you see, and be willing to set aside your pride if you need some assistance.
- When you’re trying to determine if something should be part of your life ask, “is this ‘thing‘ hindering me or helping me become the person I want to be?” Once you have the answer… act accordingly.
Financial Wisdom and Material Possessions
- Many of the material things you think ‘you have to have’ will one day end up being sold at a garage sale or donated to a charity.
- Pursuing shortcuts and attempting to fast-track results rarely work in your favor. Put forth the effort, trust the process, and embrace the journey.
Time Management and Prioritization
- God’s Word teaches us to number our days. Focus on the people and things that matter most in your life and don’t dwell on naysayers or sweat the small stuff.
- Always have something on your calendar that you are looking forward to. And it doesn’t have to be a vacation, it can be time with a good friend.
- Make it a priority to spend your time doing things you enjoy, with people you enjoy, and figuring out how to do very little of what you don’t like.
Pursuing Passions and Purpose
- The best hobbies are ones that can be shared with others. This can be giving away what you create or doing things with people you enjoy spending time with.
- Cody Johnson’s lyric is spot on… if you have a dream chase it, because a dream won’t chase you back.
- There will come a time when making a difference in life matters more than achieving success… the sooner this occurs the happier you will be.
Overcoming Challenges and Building Resilience
- Setbacks are inevitable, so when one occurs apply the five ‘R’s’ – Rest, Regroup, Recalibrate, Refocus, and then Relaunch.
- Losing or failing at something you try is inevitable… no one succeeds 100% of the time. But failure occurs when you don’t try or don’t apply the lessons learned.
- Don’t say, “One day you’ll do something’ for too long, because there will come a day when you won’t physically be able to do it.”
Fostering Trust and Integrity
- People will come to know who you truly are not by what you say, but by what they see you do.
- Honor all your commitments big and small, they build a foundation of trust and confidence that is appealing to friends and business colleagues alike.
- Always be kind and remember to say thank you to those serving you, they deserve it and it just might make their day.
Embracing Growth and Change
- Fight the urge to rush becoming who you think you are supposed to be… it takes time to discover the real you and the passion that lives within.
- Don’t be afraid to try new things, different experiences, and explore hobbies that interest you. Life gets pretty monotonous doing the same things year after year.
- Spiritual growth is a journey that never ends this side of Heaven.
Cultivating Empathy and Understanding
- I’ve rarely regretted giving someone the benefit of doubt, but I usually regret jumping to conclusions.
- A high percentage of people you meet in life have a burden they’re carrying. It may be something they’re carrying themselves or something they are helping a loved one carry. Be kind and empathetic.
- Giving someone the benefit of the doubt before they have earned it says a lot about you and your approach to life.
Balancing Independence and Interdependence
- Asking for help is not a sign of weakness, it signifies self-awareness.
- When you are in the midst of challenges, fight the urge to go it alone. God has placed people in your life to guide and encourage you, seek their counsel.
- A mentor won’t find you; you must find your mentors. Don’t know where to look… start with someone who has already accomplished what you want to do. And see if they will share their story of how they did.
Cultivating a Positive Mindset
- You will rarely have a bad day when you make it a priority to make other people smile and feel good about themselves.
- For many people it is harder to forgive yourself than it is to forgive someone else. But freedom is found when we cultivate a forgiving heart.
- Make sure the people you love also know how much you believe in them.
Maintaining Perspective
- Life is short. The days go slow and years go fast, prioritize building relationships over building wealth.
- Every marriage is comprised of two imperfect people. And the sooner those imperfect people learn the value of grace and forgiveness the happier they’ll be.
- A house will never feel like a home without people to share it with.
Embracing Authenticity and Transparency
- If left to ourselves we can rationalize everything and justify almost anything. This is why we need people in our life who will tell us what we need to hear and not just what we want to hear.
- Transparency leads to transparency, but someone has to go first… be bold, share your story and watch what happens next.
- Collect pictures and create photo albums, especially the ones handed down to you. They are filled with stories that should be preserved and shared.
Living with Intention
- The more clearly defined your core values are, the easier it is to make decisions you won’t regret.
- Fight the urge to keep a scorecard in your marriage with regard to household tasks. Things will rarely be equal. So, do what you can do when you have the margin and then work together to tackle the rest.
- No one is guaranteed tomorrow; so, never leave an ‘I love you’ left unsaid!
- “Divine Appointments” and “God Winks” await us each day, we must make sure we are not so busy or self-absorbed that we miss them.
Applying These Lessons to Your Life and Business
These 60 life lessons offer a wealth of wisdom for both personal growth and professional success. As a business owner or corporate executive, integrating these insights into your daily life can lead to more meaningful relationships, better decision-making, improved work-life balance, and a deeper sense of purpose.
At Tom Martin Coaching and Consulting, I can help you apply these life lessons to achieve your goals and find fulfillment. Whether you’re looking to scale your business, enhance your leadership skills, or find more balance in your life, I’m here to guide you on your journey.
Remember, success is not just about achieving goals, but about becoming the best version of yourself in the process. By embracing these lessons, you’re taking a significant step towards winning in business and thriving in life.
Ready to transform your business and life?
Contact Tom Martin today to learn more about how these timeless lessons can help you achieve the success and fulfillment you deserve.