Father’s Day – The Day After

The Father’s Day cards are still prominently displayed on the mantle, but Monday morning has intervened and work has convened. Conference calls have to be taken, meetings will take place, and life will go on the day after Father’s Day.

Image Fathers-Day Son Beach Sunset

iStockphoto credit @ Sarun Laowong

Anyone can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a dad, and that’s why I call you dad, because you are so special to me. You taught me the game and you taught me how to play it right. ~ Wade Boggs

The day after Father’s Day is a day where carpools have to be driven, baseball practices are attended, and homework must be completed. For Dad’s everywhere, there is a struggle to achieve and maintain a healthy balance which produces a rhythm to accomplish our work objectives and our family priorities.

I recently came across and interview with NFL All-Pro Mark Schlereth who share a favorite memory of playing catch with his son, and how it was impromptu moments like this they both treasure the most.

The gifts our adult children will remember the most will not be the ones wrapped in paper or inside box, they will be memories of the time we spent with them.

Your role as a Father in the lives of your children is critical. They will be influenced and impacted not only by you say, but also by what you do, so be present on every level. Making this a priority and a commitment will make a difference now and can have a generational impact.


trusting God period!

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