It is Well With My Soul

Image Hands Raised Worship

I almost titled this post, I Can’t Get A Break, rather than It Is Well.

I experienced a minor set back last week. Oh, I can laugh now, but in the momement I was knocked me off my feet literally, which cause me to have doubts mentally, emotionally… and dare I say spiritually. 

Fortunately, I heard the old classic, It is Well with My Soul, on the radio in the midst of my “pity party” which offered a shift in perspective and provided a better title for this blog post.

It Is Well With My Soul

Written by Horatio Spafford – Performed by Todd Fields

Here is a link to the story behind the hymn. I know for me after learning the story, I even in more awe of the powerful lyrics and the faith it took to pen them. Please also enjoy North Point Church Worship Leader Todd Field’s acoustic version of this inspiring hymn of Worship and Praise.

As I said in last Friday’s post Your Prayers, my chemo treatments are over and I’m leaning into my oncologist’s parting advice, live life without worry about upcoming scans. And yes, there would be follow-up blood work, assorted tests, and but there will also be a new normal to embrace.

Unfortunately the very first night of my “new normal,” was interrupted by a call at 3:15 am in the morning. The dealership’s alarm company said the motion detectors were set off and I need to meet the police the store so they could investigate. So as I headed down the stairs, my knee buckled and I crash to the floor. I feared the worst thanks to cancer’s degeneration of the bones near the knee due to cancer. I limp to the car wondering what else can go wrong and worried I might have fractured something.

So yes, less than 48 hours from receiving advice to learn to live again, I find myself in another hospital waiting room getting X-rays and another CT scan… 

Despite this setback I’m truly gratefully it was NOT a break, I was bummed by the fact my new normal was put on hold once again. But in the midst of the disappointment, there is a lesson, one I learned thanks to Sara Frankl who shared this on her blog.

If we are not careful life’s circumstances can lead us to question our faith. But when we look past our circumstances and Choose Joy that simple choice may be the greatest testimony our life gives and something God uses to lead others to Him.

Image Choose Joy Script it is well

Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.

And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight,
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll;
The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend,
Even so, it is well with my soul.

Yes, it is!


trusting God period!

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