Step-Parenting: Stepping Into the Gap

Stepping Into The Gap

iStockphoto credit @ Sarun Laowong

I had not planned on writing a post this weekend as this is the “end of the month” and a busy time for our team here at the Subaru dealership. My plans however changed after reading one of the blogs I follow, Church Mag, where Dustin Stout shared a quote by Nick Vujicic:

“Your son and your daughter needs an excellent father more than they need an excellent college.”


Dustin shared: “that one quote alone annihilated me” and then he challenged his readers to, “take a second and think about it. Really think about it.”

So I did just that….

As a new Step-Father to teenage sons my thoughts are not about funding what comes next, this is something their Mom has already done a great job of doing, but of my in helping prepare them for what is next. I am blessed to have this opportunity to step into a gap which was created and be a positive male influence in their lives. The role of Step-Father is not one I take lightly, and I hope what they may perceive now as being available to them is something they later look back on as being intentionally invested in them.

Will they say I was there, married to their Mom?

Will they say I was there, married to their Mom, and plugged into their lives and the things they cared about?

Time will tell if I added value to their lives…but for time being I want this to be clear in their lives:

      • They know I love them unconditionally and I’m blessed to have them in my life!
      • They know I am there for them and they know can count on me!
      • They know I believe in them!
      • They know I believe God has an incredible plan for their lives!
      • They know I will do everything I can to help them become the Men God created them to be!

Life Lesson: Providing for and preparing for a child’s future requires both planning and involvement. One is an allocation resources the other an allocation of time. Resources may fund a child’s future but time invested now will provide the best return on investment as they know they matter, have value, and are loved as if they were your own.


trusting God period! 

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