How Are You Feeling?

How are you feeling is a common question I get asked several times a day, and a few times there is a follow-up question that gets asked before I answer the first question, “bet you get tired of answering that question don’t you?”

Actually I don’t mind answering that question at all because the fact that someone asks shows they care!

But something you probably should know, and I don’t think I’m alone feeling this way, is that the answer you get may not always be totally truthful at all times. There are a few reasons why, and I’d like to share them:

Atheist Don’t Have No Songs

On Friday I feature a website or a blog that for me has the potential to become a favorite. It maybe a resource, a source Friday-Favoritesof inspiration, or just some distraction I frequent. Give the Friday Favorite a look, read, or listen, and please feel free to comment about mine and share a favorite or two of your own in the comment section. Who knows maybe we will feature one of yours as a future Friday Favorite.

~Atheist Don’t Have No Songs~

Steve Martin with Steep Canyon Rangers

[tentblogger-youtube QJS5UOyHyQE]

Big thanks Way Kidd for sharing this clever take which poses an interesting fact about there being no atheist’s songs; the lyrics are listed below.