The Bible Miniseries – Must Share TV


This Sunday, 3-3-13, the History Channel will broadcast a 10 hour, 5-week miniseries called The Bible. An epic docudrama which will walk viewers through the Bible, from Genesis through Revelations, featuring key IMAX moments from both the Old and New Testaments in a way they have never been visually told before. With the help of the Oscar awarding winning crew from Gladiator and the latest in computer generated imagery epic stories like Noah’s Ark and the Great Flood, Daniel in the lions den, David and Goliath, and Moses parting the Red Sea all come to life before your very eyes.

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So why is this must share TV?

When we believe in God and accept Jesus Christ as our Savior we are called to help others join God’s family.

Jesus said, “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:19-20 NIV).

I believe those who do believe in God are placed in situations where our friendships and working relationships can be leveraged to introduce others to what life looks like when they have a relationship with God. We are not called to preach or to judge, our role is to share the stories which illustrate how our lives are different because we have come to know God in a real and personal way. And I also believe that The Bible – Miniseries has the potential to become one of the greatest evangelical tools we have available to engage those in our communities in a conversation about who God is and how The Bible and the stores shared in the miniseries speak to having a relationship with God. Our subsequent discussions after viewing each episode have the potential to lead friends and co-workers into a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

  • Be Open to whom God has placed on your mind and in your heart…the one or two people you feel you need to tell about the Bible miniseries.
  • Be Bold and invite them to watch the Bible miniseries.
  • Be Courageous and open a dialogue on Monday, after the episode airs, to get their thoughts and feedback about the experience.
  • Trust God that He will equip you to begin a dialogue which will engage then to go deeper, and watch the next episode.

Leave the rest to God and be in Awe of what He does! 

Make sure you come back to Leveraging Life with your comments and thoughts after viewing The Bible – Miniseries; and I would love to hear what God is doing in your community of friends and co-workers after you honored Him by being Bold, Courageous, and Trusting!


trusting God period

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