Today We Celebrate Our Savior Was Born

The Christmas Story in Bible

Baby Jesus, born in a stable, humble Savior’s birth.

You left your throne in Heaven above, to live here on the Earth.

Baby Jesus, lying in a manger, crying for the world.

The Angels told the Shepherds of the Good News for us all.


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Halleluiah, the King is here, given for all men.

For today the Holy Son of God, is born in Bethlehem.

Come now Sinners and you Saints, all peasants and all Kings.

And bow before the Earth’s Redeemer, let all voices sing.

Halleluiah, the King is here, given for all men.

For today the Holy Son of God, is born in Bethlehem.

Halleluiah, the King is here, given for all men.

For today the Holy Son of God, is born in Bethlehem.

Baby Jesus, do you know you’ll die for all our sins?

Don’t be afraid, for in 3 days, you will rise again. Cause you will rise again.

Halleluiah, the King is here, given for all men.

For today the Holy Son of God, is born in Bethlehem.

Halleluiah, the King is here, given for all men.

For today the Holy Son of God, is born in Bethlehem.

For today the Holy Son of God, is born in Bethlehem.

Born in Bethlehem.


Wishing Everyone A Merry Christmas!


trusting God period!

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