Most Fridays I feature a website, blog, book, or video that for me has become a favorite. It maybe a favorite resource, a source of inspiration, or just something I found interesting. Please feel free to comment and I hope you might share a favorite or two of your own in the comment section. Who knows, maybe I will feature something you shared as a future Friday Favorite.
Being on the receiving end of your prayers is something that is hard to put to words.
There is a tangible feeling which offers both peace and strength, something you rest in and draw from in during your journey, and all of you have played a role in our journey through your prayers.
Family, friends, co-workers, and our small groups have prayed. Folks that Shari & I serve with at church, our neighbors, and old classmates have sent word that we have been in your prayers. Then there is the Leveraging Life community and the various cancer blogs I participate in have also commented and emailed that they have prayed. All of those prayers are appreciated and we truly believe they impacted and influenced the news being shared today.
Latest Update
Shari and I met with my oncologist earlier this week and we were also fortunate enough to have phone consultation with another oncologist who we were referred to at the Mayo clinic in Rochester on Monday. The bottom line is, after 8 cycles of chemo and more rounds of radiation than I can count, the doctors believe that the treatment regime has been effective.
We are not to the point where remission can be declared nor can it be said there is no evidence of disease (NED). However, after two scans, the remaining cell activity is stable and appears to be more atypical than typical of metastatic cancer. This is great news on several levels, because it confirms that not only was the chemo effective, but it gives the medical team a basis point to measure from and compare with future scans.
Where do I go from here, for now, NO MORE CHEMO. After 8 cycles, they want my body to recover and my immune system to take over. The original strategy was to give me as much as I could take even if it “brought me to my knees”. Something it did as white and red blood cell count issues became a regular discussion throughout the treatment period, but fortunately I survived the assault and I can start healing process with only a few concerns.
Obviously there will be more scans over the course of the next month to confirm that all remains stable; then assuming all is well, the scans will move onto a quarterly schedule, but for now because of your prayers we are in a place where we can rest!
~Tom & Shari
trusting God period!
Don’t forget it’s not to late to donate and or walk with the Leveraging Life team which walks in an effort to Stick it 2 Cancer during the North Metro Light the Night Walk which benefits research for blood cancers. Click here to donate and or join our team!
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