Remembering The Point Of Christmas


It’s easy to lose sight of the point of Christmas amidst the hustle and the bustle of the holiday season.

This is the time of year where Holiday activities and seasonal to-do lists capture our attention and occupy our time. Surf the internet or turn on your television and you’ll be bombarded with all sorts of Christmas messages. But somehow in the midst of all of those messages, the point of Christmas can be lost.

In fact, even the Pope “tweeted” his frustration, saying the point of Christmas has been taken hostage by worldliness.


In society, the majority typically rules in establishing culture. This dynamic is certainly in play when it comes to how we view Christmas. And in recent years, culture has had a knack for trivializing the momentous, ignoring the profound, and embracing the superficial.

We’ve marginalized it.
• Simplified it.
• Distracted from it.
• Established laws against it.
• De-emphasized and blurred the core point of it.

I serve on board of One Thing for Men, a ministry designed to help facilitate men’s group Bible gatherings. For December, we created a three-week message series and men’s group discussion curriculum focused on the Point of Christmas.

In the message series, Executive Director Ron Dunn, reminded everyone the Point of Christmas originated with God, way back in time. God invented Christmas and there is only one message that really matters.

It’s a perspective and truth that we can’t afford to miss. Fellow board member Jeff Brethauer and I had the opportunity to share when we got the point of Christmas. You can watch the message by clicking the image below. 


In a recent devotional, Rick Warren shared the point of Christmas is quite simple:

You believe, and you receive.

You believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins, and you receive him into your life.

God sent his Son to Earth 2017 years ago to die for you. That’s God’s very first Christmas gift, sent to you thousands of years before you were even born.

Merry Christmas!

~ Tom

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